Design Fundamentals for the Web – Session 4

September 18, 2014


Last week’s agenda

Review of the Web Design Process

  1. Identify the types of users you need to communicate with
  2. Identify what each user type needs to be able to do
  3. Organize your content semantically
  4. Compose appropriate layouts for your content
  5. Create visual hierarchies for your content with type
  6. Apply design principles to emphasize relationships between elements
  7. Create mood and enhance your visual hierarchies and element relationships using color
  8. Breath life into your design with behavioral feedback
  9. Test, rinse & repeat!

HTML Elements for Creating Layouts

More Info on HTML5 Elements for Layouts


CSS Properties for Creating Layouts

CSS Centering

Centering Demo

Let's open up CSSDeck and experiment with the CSS centering porperties:

Here's the CSS Centering Deck.

More info on CSS Centering

CSS Positioning

Positioning Demo

Let's open up CSSDeck and experiment with the CSS positioning porperties:

Here's the CSS Positioning Deck.

More info on CSS Positioning

CSS Floating

Float Demo

Let's open up CSSDeck and experiment with the CSS positioning porperties:

Here's the CSS Float Deck.

More info on CSS Floating


Types of Layouts

Check out to get a better idea of some of the different types of layouts your can make, depending on your users' needs.

Assignment 4



Create a Static Layout for Your Pages

After you have completed the reading assignment, revisit your HTML pages and create a static layout using CSS Positioning.